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We have partnered with leading law firms in the US to provide medico-legal subject matter expertise. Having been in this field for the past 20 years, our team has developed considerable experience in probing into the medical records of a huge number of cases in the areas of Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice and Mass Tort. We have been handling around 15 million  pages of medical records every year. The sheer volume of records we receive has enabled us to create a sustainable workflow system delivering projects based on priority while keeping in mind deposition deadlines.

Personal Injury

We work with the medico-legal industry to deliver more efficient ways of managing and delivering medical reporting, screening, rehabilitation and diagnostic services, in relation to personal injury claims. Through our network of medical experts, we source and provide medical evidence for the purpose of assisting an instructing party settle a claim.  We have invested in our resources that help achieve quality, cost efficiencies and improved turn-around time in claims processing.

Medical Malpractice

Our medical experts probe into medical records that we receive from our clients and focus on the following legal prerequisites: Professional duty owed to the patient, breach of duty, injury caused by the breach, and resulting damages. Our services to medical malpractice lawyers include initial medical record review and standard of care evaluations.  Our expertise (MD’s and Physicians) help attorneys by providing medical opinions that substantiate their argument and statements with medical evidence.

Mass Tort

Mass Tort Litigation can be time consuming and create a huge dent in your valuable time as you rummage through voluminous records of thousands of potential cases. We can help you unearth these valuable pieces of information in a reasonably quick and efficient manner by screening these cases for you and presenting this information to you in a easy-to-peruse screening matrix or a crisp medical chronology thereby saving you the time you might have to spend  going through all the medical records of the patient. 

Our Services



A Medical Chronology is a list of a patient's medical conditions relevant to a case. They're designed as a list of events of a patient's medical history placed in chronological order.


Medical Opinion

Medical opinions are statements from acceptable medical sources that reflect judgments about the nature and severity of the impairment(s), including the symptoms, diagnosis and prognosis and the physical or mental restrictions.


Demand Letter

Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.


Medical Synopsis

Medical Synopsis is a concise and informative overview of the claimant’s medical history. Attorneys often have a lot of medical records but lack time and exposure. Attorneys can use the Medical Synopsis we provide to learn what happened to the patient and what the merit of the case is.


Deposition Summary

Summarizing hours of deposition testimony into a concise summary is a valuable skill that can save hours of lawyers’ time and thousands of dollars in legal fees.  We accurately record dates, figures, names, and exhibits; give a record of key events and actions


Billing Summary

The Billing Summary report provides a log of the billing activity that occurs within a given date range. It verifies that everything was billed that needed billed.

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